As a college student, it is essential to set aside time for yourself. Your emotional and physical well-being is incredibly important. You cannot control everything, but you can control some things. Finding little ways to care for yourself can go a long way.
I like to think of self-care as a little “escape from reality.” Whenever I am feeling under the weather, I make the decision to set aside time for myself. Some of my personal favorite activities include journaling, watching movies/tv, and napping.
Without further delay, here is a list of 20 different ways you can practice self-care:
1. Take a shower
2. Go to the gym
3. Call your family and friends
4. Cozy up in your bed and watch TV
5. Go to sleep early
6. Take a personal day
7. Journal
8. Eat your favorite meal
9. Do a hands-on craft, such as knitting or crocheting
10. Learn something new
11. Drink a cup of tea
12. Go to the movies
13. Go for a walk outside
14. Meditate
15. Paint your nails
16. Do some laundry
17. Listen to music
18. Take an uninterrupted nap
19. Clean your room
20. Paint/draw a picture
And there you have it! Not every item on this list may work for you, but I hope that this post may have given you some insight and inspiration. Happy Thursday!